May 16th and 17th
IET Teacher Building
Glasgow, Scotland
PolyPico Technologies will exhibit their PicoSpotter, an acoustic non contact drop-on-demand pico litre (pl) dispensing technology at the fourth annual NGS 2017 Glasgow conference, taking place in the IET Teacher Building, Glasgow. This exhibition is about the Next Generation Sequencing applications and workflows, personalized genomics including the latest developments in DNA sequencing, Genetics, Molecular and Cell Biology, Data analysis and many more.
PolyPico’s ultra low volume dispensing instrument voted ‘Most Interesting Technology’, by European Laboratory Robotics Interest Group (ELRIG) is suitable for R&D applications such as DNA Amplification, Drug Discovery, POC Diagnostics and Stem Cell printing, this patented technology removes cross contamination risk, ancillary cleaning equipment, and process costs.
PicoSpotter is a self-calibrating dispensing platform which includes: user friendly automation; pinpoint accuracy (+/-1pl for a single micro-drop); a low dead volume which can result in significant savings in the use of precious biomaterials; no requirement to wash / clean between print runs. The PicoSpotter also eliminates the risk of cross contamination through the utilization of disposable cartridges.
To schedule a demonstration at this event, please contact Adele Clinton
at adeleclinton@polypico.com
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