May 14th to 17th
Washington DC, USA
Booth #56 Innovation Showcase Hall – 12 to 6pm
PolyPico Technologies will launch their PicoPRECISE, the definitive instrument in precision dispensing of ultra low volumes, at this year’s Nanotech 2017 in the Innovation Showcase hall. This event taking place in the Gaylord National Resort & Conference Center is about application-focused research from the top international academic, government and private industry labs. Presentations and vendor exhibits cover such industries as Micro & Bio Fluidics, Lab-on-Chip, MEMS & NEMS Devices, Modeling & Applications along with others.
PolyPico’s ultra low volume dispensing instrument voted ‘Most Interesting Technology’, by European Laboratory Robotics Interest Group (ELRIG) is suitable for R&D applications such as Drug Discovery, POC Diagnostics and Stem Cell printing, this patented technology removes cross contamination risk, ancillary cleaning equipment, and process costs.
The PicoPRECISE drives precision and accuracy in ultra-low volume dispensing. It offers Labs an affordable, benchtop, non contact pico to nano liter volume range. Acoustic Droplet Ejection technology is uniquely combined with inexpensive, disposable plastic dispensing cartridges which provide highly accurate printing of a wide range of biologicals and chemicals. The PicoPRECISE also eliminates the risk of cross contamination through the utilization of these disposable cartridges.
To schedule a demonstration at this event, please contact Alan Crean at alancrean@polypico.com
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