PolyPico – Winner of SME Instrument Phase 1 Horizon 2020 project
PolyPico was one of only 5 Irish SME’s funded under the recent European Innovation Council SME instrument which supports top-class innovators, entrepreneurs, small companies and scientists with funding opportunities and acceleration services.
There is a need in the lifesciences and industry to create very precise dilutions and concentrations of chemicals and reagents. In general, such dilutions are prepared manually by skilled technicians and scientists. This process of preparing precise dilution may consume many hours per week and is prone to human error.
PolyPico Technologies unique microdrop dispensing technology can dispense reagents with ultrahigh levels of precision and accuracy in the picolitre volume range. Furthermore, the use of inexpensive disposable dispensing cartridges, avoids cross contamination, and makes the patented technology ideally suited to processes and instruments which require the quick change over between fluids.
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 867569.

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