PolyPico Technologies is delighted to be a partner in one of sixteen projects who have been awarded a total of €65m from the Irish Government’s Disruptive Technologies Innovation Fund.
The successful project: FerrTest, which is led by Radisens Diagnostics, will develop a Point-of-care iron stores/ferritin diagnostic, which is particularly relevant to at-risk blood donors, women and children. PolyPico Technologies (www.polypico.com), the Irish Manufacturing Research (Iwww.imr.ie), and Trinity College Dublin (www.tcd.ie) are partnering with Radisens Diagnostics (www.radisens.com) to make this possible.
The Department of Business, Enterprise and Innovation is managing the DTIF with administrative support from Enterprise Ireland. The purpose of the Fund is to drive collaboration between Ireland’s world-class research base and industry as well as facilitating enterprises to compete directly for funding in support of the development and adoption of these technologies.
Ferritin is the principal storage protein for iron in tissues and is involved in its uptake, accumulation and release in cells. Current clinical measurement of ferritin is restricted to laboratory testing as no suitable quantitative point-of-care in vitro diagnostic solution exists. The FerrTest project aims to both develop disruptive technologies and automated manufacturing processes for a quantitative point-of-care platform to measure ferritin.
A full press release is available here:
#DTIF #FutureJobsIreland #ProjectIreland2040
#Entirl #EnterInnov
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