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Protein Crystallography

Polypico systems can extend the use of serial femtosecond crystallography 

Serial femtosecond crystallography is opening up many new research opportunities in structural biology — particularly in the fields of therapeutic strategies and drug discovery.

Drop-on-drop experimental setup enables accelerated mixing in droplets

Deciphering degradation of last resort antibiotics by beta-lactamases

PolyPico dispensing technology used in an experiment conducted on the Macromolecular Femtosecond Crystallography (MFX) instrument, Linac Coherent Light Source (LCLS), Stanford Linear Accelerator Center (SLAC) National Accelerator...

Lawrence Berkley National Lab use PolyPico Technology

Lawrence Berkley National Lab use PolyPico Technology to facilitate research into Serial X-ray Crystallography

PolyPico Technology dispensing Medical Grade Cyanoacrylate adhesive in volumes as low as 30pl.

Using PolyPico unique dispensing technology it is possible to dispense medical grade Cyanoacrylate adhesive reliably and for prolonged periods of time (days), without clogging or other adverse effects. Deposits of Cyanoacrylate...

PolyPico’s technology employed for Protein Crystallography experiments involving X-ray Free Electron Lasers (XFEL)

In an article entitled “Pico-litre Sample Introduction and Acoustic Levitation Systems for Time Resolved Protein Crystallography Experiments at XFELS”, published in Sensors and Transducers [Vol 214, issue 7,...

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